I found the pattern for these funny mittens in a blog and I had to knit them. It helped that my brother said that he wanted these for the hunting season. Unfortunately I didn't finish them till then, he will receive them in a couple of days. The mittens are called "happiness in the forest mittens" and you can find the pattern here: http://www.gyldnemaske.com/
tirsdag 20. desember 2011
Lykke i skogen/Happiness in the forest
Jeg fant disse morsomme vottene i en blogg og måtte bare strikke de. Hjalp litt at broderen sa at sånne votter ville han ha til elgjakta. Dessverre så ble de ikke ferdig til da, så han skal få de om et par dager. Vottene blir bl.a annet kalt "lykke i skogen votter" og man kan finne mønsteret her: http://www.gyldnemaske.com/
I found the pattern for these funny mittens in a blog and I had to knit them. It helped that my brother said that he wanted these for the hunting season. Unfortunately I didn't finish them till then, he will receive them in a couple of days. The mittens are called "happiness in the forest mittens" and you can find the pattern here: http://www.gyldnemaske.com/
I found the pattern for these funny mittens in a blog and I had to knit them. It helped that my brother said that he wanted these for the hunting season. Unfortunately I didn't finish them till then, he will receive them in a couple of days. The mittens are called "happiness in the forest mittens" and you can find the pattern here: http://www.gyldnemaske.com/
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Flotte :) De går på nettet som elgpulevotter :)))
SvarSlettFortsatt god jul!
SvarSlettha ha det var et morsomt navn Desiree :-)
SvarSlettHei på deg Sissel. Ser jo at du ikke har blitt noe mindre kreativ med årene. Fantastiske flotte kort, og masse flott strikking. klem Tove I.