Årets siste post er 2 par votter som jeg har lagd nå i jula. Det grå og sorte paret er på vei til Nordmøre nå, og det andre skal antakelig en kollega av meg ha.
The last post of the year is 2 pair of mittens I have made during the Christmas holiday. The grey and black mittens are on it's way to a friend of mine, and a colleague of mine will probably take the other pair.
lørdag 31. desember 2011
2 par sokker/2 pair of socks
I juleferien så strikket jeg de lilla sokkene og de er superenkle å lage. Fant de i en strikkebok jeg kjøpte på garnbutikken på Vinterbro og kjøpte garn til de i sommer. Måtte ha med litt garn til Trøndelag siden jeg ikke visste om jeg kom meg til garnbutikken i Namsos før jul. Det nederste paret hadde jeg nesten strikket ferdig tidligere i sommer, men jeg manglet litt garn. Så når jeg endelig fikk tak i garnet så ble det ikke til at jeg strikket de ferdig. Men i dag har jeg tenkt å få ferdig noen av de uferdige prosjektene som nesten er ferdig. Godt å starte på et nytt kreativt år med litt mindre UFO'er (uferdige objekt).
In the Christmas holiday I knitted the purple socks and they are really easy to make. I found them in a book I have bought. I had to bring some yarn to Trøndelag since I didn't know if I had the chance to visit the yarn shop in Namsos before Christmas. The pair of socks in the bottom I almost finished this summer, but I was ran out of yarn. So when I finally bought one more bundle I didn't finish the pair of socks. But today I decided to finish some of the projects that was almost finished. It's nice to start a new creative year with less UFO's (Unfinished objects)
In the Christmas holiday I knitted the purple socks and they are really easy to make. I found them in a book I have bought. I had to bring some yarn to Trøndelag since I didn't know if I had the chance to visit the yarn shop in Namsos before Christmas. The pair of socks in the bottom I almost finished this summer, but I was ran out of yarn. So when I finally bought one more bundle I didn't finish the pair of socks. But today I decided to finish some of the projects that was almost finished. It's nice to start a new creative year with less UFO's (Unfinished objects)
Matchende grytekluter og kjøkkenkluter/Matching potholders and kitchen cloths
I jula så heklet jeg ferdig et par grytekluter og strikka matchende kjøkkenkluter til. Dette går i gaveboksen min i påvente av at noen skal ha bursdag neste år :-) Alltid kjekt å ha noen gaver på lur når man trenger det.
During Christmas I made a pair of pot holders and matching kitchen cloths. This is going in my gift box waiting for someones birthday next year. Always nice to have a few gifts ready when you need it.
During Christmas I made a pair of pot holders and matching kitchen cloths. This is going in my gift box waiting for someones birthday next year. Always nice to have a few gifts ready when you need it.
tirsdag 20. desember 2011
Lykke i skogen/Happiness in the forest
Jeg fant disse morsomme vottene i en blogg og måtte bare strikke de. Hjalp litt at broderen sa at sånne votter ville han ha til elgjakta. Dessverre så ble de ikke ferdig til da, så han skal få de om et par dager. Vottene blir bl.a annet kalt "lykke i skogen votter" og man kan finne mønsteret her: http://www.gyldnemaske.com/
I found the pattern for these funny mittens in a blog and I had to knit them. It helped that my brother said that he wanted these for the hunting season. Unfortunately I didn't finish them till then, he will receive them in a couple of days. The mittens are called "happiness in the forest mittens" and you can find the pattern here: http://www.gyldnemaske.com/
I found the pattern for these funny mittens in a blog and I had to knit them. It helped that my brother said that he wanted these for the hunting season. Unfortunately I didn't finish them till then, he will receive them in a couple of days. The mittens are called "happiness in the forest mittens" and you can find the pattern here: http://www.gyldnemaske.com/
mandag 19. desember 2011
Matchende grytekluter og kjøkkenkluter/Matching potholders and kitchen cloths
Fikk lyst til å hekle meg et par grytekluter som er litt store og jeg har brukt garn fra Søstrene Grene. Ble fornøyde med farvekombinasjonen.
I wanted a couple of potholders that is big and I have used yarn from Søstrene Grene. I'm happy with the colour combination.
I wanted a couple of potholders that is big and I have used yarn from Søstrene Grene. I'm happy with the colour combination.
Julekort i siste liten/Christmas cards in the last minute
Trengte noen flere julekort så jeg måtte svinge meg rundt å få lagd de i en fei. Trenger fortsatt noen til så jeg får se om jeg rekker å få lagd noen de nærmeste dagene. Noen mottar kanskje ikke kortene før romjula, men det får stå sin prøve.
I needed some more Christmas cards so I had to make a few in a hurry. I still need a few more so I'll see if I have time to make a few more. Some might not receive the cards before after Christmas eve, better late than never.
I needed some more Christmas cards so I had to make a few in a hurry. I still need a few more so I'll see if I have time to make a few more. Some might not receive the cards before after Christmas eve, better late than never.
julekort/Christmas cards
søndag 18. desember 2011
Dropslaging igjen/Candy making again
Som vanlig så må det til noen porsjoner med drops til jul - og denne gangen ble det 9 forskjellige smaker og tilsammen 5,1 kilo....... glad jeg ikke skal spise alt selv. Blir noen som er heldige å får litt i julegave i år også.
As usual I have to make some portions with candy before Christmas - and this time I made 9 different flavours and 5,1 kilo...... I'm glad I'm not going to eat everything by myself. Some persons will be lucky and receive some of this for Christmas this year.
As usual I have to make some portions with candy before Christmas - and this time I made 9 different flavours and 5,1 kilo...... I'm glad I'm not going to eat everything by myself. Some persons will be lucky and receive some of this for Christmas this year.
mandag 12. desember 2011
Dekorerte papirposer/Decorated paperbags
Papirposer er litt kjedelig å pakke inn gaver i, men med litt kartong, scrappepapir og litt pynt så blir de kjempefine å bruke til gaver. Jeg kutter bazill ca en halv centimeter enn posen og den bakerste biten lager jeg ca 5 cm lengre enn posen sånn at jeg kan lage en flapp som brettes over åpningen og lukke papirposen. Limer så på scrappepapir og dekorerer. I noen tilfeller lager jeg 2 hull i bretten på toppen og binder bånd eller tau fast for å få en hank.
Paperbags are boring to use as gift wraps, but with cardstock, scrapbook paper and something to decorate it with they are nice to use for gifts. I cut cardstock 0,5 centimetre larger than the bag and the piece I'm using on the back of the bag I cut it so it's 5 cm longer than the paperbag so I can fold it over the opening and close the paperbag. I then glue scrapbook paper on the cardstock and decorate it. Sometimes I make 2 holes on the top of the bag and and use ribbon to make a handle.
Paperbags are boring to use as gift wraps, but with cardstock, scrapbook paper and something to decorate it with they are nice to use for gifts. I cut cardstock 0,5 centimetre larger than the bag and the piece I'm using on the back of the bag I cut it so it's 5 cm longer than the paperbag so I can fold it over the opening and close the paperbag. I then glue scrapbook paper on the cardstock and decorate it. Sometimes I make 2 holes on the top of the bag and and use ribbon to make a handle.
søndag 11. desember 2011
Koppvarmere/Cup Cozy
I disse tider hvor man ofte drikker varme drikker så er det fort å brenne fingrene og jeg har strikket et par koppvarmere. Disse kan ha en dobbel funksjon, holde kaffen/te varm litt lengre og unngå at man brenner fingrene. Jeg har strikket med Dale Heilo fordi jeg har en del restegarn liggende etter å ha strikket votter i år, men man kan bruke hvilket som helst garn. På den som er blå og hvit så har jeg brukt et mønster fra Thuve-Stua som var på et av vottenmønstrene som jeg liker veldig godt. Mønsteret heter Østerdalsvotten. Den hvite så har jeg bare strikket 2 rett og 2 vrang og forskjøvet mønsteret 1 maske etter hver 4. omgang.
This is the time of the year we are drinking a lot of hot beverages and it's very easy to burn your fingers and I have knitted a couple of cup cozys. These have double function - keep the coffe/tea hot a little longer and to avoid that you burn your fingers. I have used yarn from Dale (Heilo) because I have a little bit left over from knitting mittens this year, but you can use what ever you have. On the blue and white I have used a pattern from Thuve-Stua from one of their mitten patterns that I really like.
This is the time of the year we are drinking a lot of hot beverages and it's very easy to burn your fingers and I have knitted a couple of cup cozys. These have double function - keep the coffe/tea hot a little longer and to avoid that you burn your fingers. I have used yarn from Dale (Heilo) because I have a little bit left over from knitting mittens this year, but you can use what ever you have. On the blue and white I have used a pattern from Thuve-Stua from one of their mitten patterns that I really like.
fredag 9. desember 2011
4 nye julekort/4 new Christmas cards
Flere julekort klare for utsending - det går fort mot jul nå og best å få unna alt før fristen sånn at de kommer frem til jul.
More Christmas cards ready to be sent - it's getting closer and closer till Christmas and it's best to get all the cards ready to be sent before the deadline so they arrive before Christmas eve.
More Christmas cards ready to be sent - it's getting closer and closer till Christmas and it's best to get all the cards ready to be sent before the deadline so they arrive before Christmas eve.
julekort/Christmas cards
torsdag 8. desember 2011
Votter igjen/Mittens again
Rekker ikke å produsere votter fort nok før mine venner kjøper de. Dette paret kjøpte ei venninne av meg før jeg ble ferdig - bare for å sikre seg at hun skulle få et par. Dette er første gangen jeg har brukt dette mønstret og jeg syns vottene ble kjempefine med denne farvekombinasjonen. Nok en gang har jeg brukt mønster fra Thuve-Stua.
I can't produce mittens fast enough before my friends is buying them. One of my friends bought this pair of mittens before I was finished - just to make sure that she would get them. This is the first time I have used this pattern and I think the mittens is nice in this colour combination. And I have used a pattern from Thuve-Stua.
I can't produce mittens fast enough before my friends is buying them. One of my friends bought this pair of mittens before I was finished - just to make sure that she would get them. This is the first time I have used this pattern and I think the mittens is nice in this colour combination. And I have used a pattern from Thuve-Stua.
onsdag 7. desember 2011
Ny notatbok/New notebook
Notatbøker kan man aldri få for mange av og her har jeg lagd en hvor jeg har brukt metalltape på grungeboard. Tim Holtz har pakker med ferdig kutta biter med tørrembossede grungeboard og jeg har brukt to av de for å ha til perm. Jeg har limt metalltape på den siden hvor mønstret går innover og så har jeg brukt alfabetstickers fra Basic Grey og stanset ut et par sommerfugler og limt på før jeg har tatt på tapen.
You can never get too many notebooks and I have made one where I have used metal tape on grungeboard. Tim Holtz have made some embossed grungeboard and I have used to of them for cover. The alfabeth I have used is stickers from Basic Grey and punched a couple of butterflies and glued that on the grungeboard before I have put on the tape.
You can never get too many notebooks and I have made one where I have used metal tape on grungeboard. Tim Holtz have made some embossed grungeboard and I have used to of them for cover. The alfabeth I have used is stickers from Basic Grey and punched a couple of butterflies and glued that on the grungeboard before I have put on the tape.
Bind-it all,
Metal tape,
søndag 4. desember 2011
Fyrstikkeske/Matchstick box
Minne-Hjørnet har fått inn noen fyrstikkesker som er trekanta og jeg fikk lyst til å dekorere en av de. Hadde litt rester av et ark fra Pion og limte det på brun bazill. Har tatt litt glitterlim i midten på blomstene for å få det til å glitre litt mere.
My local scrapbook store has some matchstick boxes shaped as a triangle and I wanted to decorate one of them. I had some leftovers from a scrapbook paper from Pion and glued that on brown bazill. I have used Stickles glitter glue in the middle of the flowers so they sparkle a little bit.
My local scrapbook store has some matchstick boxes shaped as a triangle and I wanted to decorate one of them. I had some leftovers from a scrapbook paper from Pion and glued that on brown bazill. I have used Stickles glitter glue in the middle of the flowers so they sparkle a little bit.
DT bidrag,
fyrstikkesker/match boxes
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