I have bought a few distress refills and in these times it's popular to use different sprays so I found out that I have to use what I've got - instead of buying new stuff. Probably you have a few distress refills lying around too. What you need in adition to the refills is mini misters (small spray bottles) and a spray bottle for water.
Her er min måte å lage bakgrunner på. Here is my description on how I make the backgrounds.
1. Fyll minimisterene med distress refill - ca 3 fulle pipetter og fyll opp med vann.
Fill the mini mister with distress refill - aprox 3 pipettes and fill the rest with water
2. Spray akvarellbakgrunn med litt vann over hele arket
Spray the aquarelle paper with water all over the sheet.
3. Spray flekker med den lyseste farven først. Spray the lightest colour in blocks on the sheet first.
4. Spray så noen flekker med farve nr 2. Spray a few more blocks with colour number 2.
5. Så en runde med farve nr 3. Then I do the same with the third colour
6. Så tar jeg sprayflasken med vann og sprayer litt mere vann over hele arket. Farvene begynner å blande seg sammen. Vipp litt på arket sånn at farven renner nedover arket.
Then I take the spray bottle with water and spray more water over the whole sheet. The colours start to mix together. Hold the sheet of paper up and make the colours to mix.
7. La arket tørke skikkelig og da tar jeg glimmer mist som matcher farvene og sprayer over hele arket. Her har jeg brukt gull, men det vises ikke på bildet. Nå kan man bruke bakgrunnen til å lage f.eks kort med.
Let the sheet of paper to dry properly and then I take glimmer mist that matches the background and spray all over. I have used gold here, but it doesn't show on the picture. Now you can use the background to for example make a card.
Tusen takk! Her skal det blandes.
godt at refillene kan brukes til noe. Jeg har snart tømt gul, oransje og rød.....