A few years ago I bought cd covers from USA, they are a little bit different than the normal covers because you can bend the cover so they stand. I have made a very simple calendar for 2012 and I have only used leftover scraps. The calendar I have found on this web site: www.timeanddate.com
mandag 30. mai 2011
CD kalender/CD calendar
For noen år siden så kjøpte jeg noen cd cover fra USA, de er litt annerledes enn vanlige cd cover for man kan bøye de bakover sånn at de står. Jeg har laget en veldig enkel kalender for 2012 hvor jeg har brukt kun restepapir. Kalenderen har jeg funnet her: www.timeanddate.com
A few years ago I bought cd covers from USA, they are a little bit different than the normal covers because you can bend the cover so they stand. I have made a very simple calendar for 2012 and I have only used leftover scraps. The calendar I have found on this web site: www.timeanddate.com



A few years ago I bought cd covers from USA, they are a little bit different than the normal covers because you can bend the cover so they stand. I have made a very simple calendar for 2012 and I have only used leftover scraps. The calendar I have found on this web site: www.timeanddate.com
søndag 29. mai 2011
Hvitt kort/White card
Jeg har kjøpt noen bokser med marmorspray på Biltema og jeg her har jeg brukt sølvspray på hvit kartong. Stilig effekt og ingen ark blir like.
I have bought at few cans woth marble spray on a store called Biltema and on this card I have used silver on white cardstock.

I have bought at few cans woth marble spray on a store called Biltema and on this card I have used silver on white cardstock.
fredag 27. mai 2011
kjøkkenkluter til en venn/Dish washer cloths for a friend
En av mine venner vil få en overraskelse i posten om en stund. Vedkommende er en god venn og fortjener en overraskelse :-)
One of my friend will get a surprise in the mail soon. The person is a really good friend and deserve a surprise :-)

One of my friend will get a surprise in the mail soon. The person is a really good friend and deserve a surprise :-)
kjøkkenkluter/Dish washer cloths
Kort til Barry/Card for Barry
I dag er det siste dagen for en av mine gode kolleger i England. Barry går av med pensjon. Jeg har lagd dette kortet og sendt det over til en annen kollega sånn at han får det overrekt i dag. Har skrevet en hilsen for å takke for all god hjelp opp gjennom årene og ønsker han lykke til med pensjonstilværelsen. Takk Barry for din gode service og god hjelp!! Du har vært min livreddende engel mange ganger og har mange gullstjerner i boka mi.
Today is the last day for one of my good colleague in England. Barry is going to retire. I made this card and sent it to one of my other colleague so Barry will get this card today. I have written a message to thank him for all the good help I've got through all the years and wish him good luck. Thanks Barry for your really good service and all the help!! You have been my lifesaving angel many time and you have a lot of gold stars in my book.

Today is the last day for one of my good colleague in England. Barry is going to retire. I made this card and sent it to one of my other colleague so Barry will get this card today. I have written a message to thank him for all the good help I've got through all the years and wish him good luck. Thanks Barry for your really good service and all the help!! You have been my lifesaving angel many time and you have a lot of gold stars in my book.

søndag 22. mai 2011
Konfirmasjonskort/Confirmation cards
Når våren kommer så er det også en god del konfirmasjoner. Kort til gutter hadde jeg ikke så mange av.
During spring there is a lot of confirmations for young girls and boys. Didn't have so many cards for boys.


During spring there is a lot of confirmations for young girls and boys. Didn't have so many cards for boys.
Oransje restekort/Orange cards
Jeg har en stor kasse med restepapir etter scrapping og kortlaging, og det minker ikke akkurat på papirrestene. Så nå har jeg startet en ny runde med å lage kort og papirprosjekter med litt rester bare for å få unna litt. Her er et par oransje kort som jeg lagde forrige helg.
I have a large box with scrapbook paper - leftovers from scrapping and cardmaking, and I have to admit it's getting more and more leftovers. I have now started to use the leftovers for cards and paperprojects. Here is a couple of orange cards I made last weekend.

I have a large box with scrapbook paper - leftovers from scrapping and cardmaking, and I have to admit it's getting more and more leftovers. I have now started to use the leftovers for cards and paperprojects. Here is a couple of orange cards I made last weekend.


tirsdag 17. mai 2011
17. Mai/17. May
Gratulerer med dagen alle sammen!! Solen skinner her på Langhus og jeg feirer dagen stille og rolig hjemme. Følger med på barnetoget på NRK1.
Happy Birthday to everybody in Norway today. It's our constitution day and the sun is shining here at Langhus and I'm celebrating the day at home. Watching the parade on the television this year.

Happy Birthday to everybody in Norway today. It's our constitution day and the sun is shining here at Langhus and I'm celebrating the day at home. Watching the parade on the television this year.
Kjøpte noen notatblokker her om dagen, og de må jo selvsagt på et flott cover. Dette blir vel noen smågaver etterhvert. Disse små blokkene bruker jeg til å skrive handlelister på osv.
I bought some small notepads the other day, and they have to get a nice cover. I think I'll use some of them as small presents. These small notepads is nice for writing shopping lists.

I bought some small notepads the other day, and they have to get a nice cover. I think I'll use some of them as small presents. These small notepads is nice for writing shopping lists.
lørdag 14. mai 2011
Buksekort/Little boy outfit
Minne-Hjørnet har fått inn noen chipboardmaler fra Crafty Secrets og jeg har laget et buksekort til en liten gutt av dobbelsidig pynteark fra My Minds Eye.
My local scrapbook store has got some new templateds from Crafty Secrets and I have made a card for a little boy with double sided scrapbook paper from My Minds Eye.

My local scrapbook store has got some new templateds from Crafty Secrets and I have made a card for a little boy with double sided scrapbook paper from My Minds Eye.
fredag 13. mai 2011
CD mappe/CD folder
Til min broders 40-årsdag i november så lagde jeg noen cd'er med litt forskjellig musikk som vi skulle spille i løpet av kvelden. Lagde liksågodt kopier til meg selv som jeg skal ha i bilen. For å oppbevare cd'ene så lagde jeg en cd mappe. Jeg har brukt chipboard til permene, og til å pynte coverene på utside og innside så brukte jeg sort og hvit kartong og sølv og sort marmorspray som jeg har kjøpt på Biltema for lenge siden. I tillegg har jeg brukt sorte metallhjørner for å forsterke permene, og så har jeg kjøpt en hodeskalle til å pynte forsiden med. Inni har jeg brukt sort kartong og blanke cd konvolutter som jeg har kjøpt på Clas Ohlson. For å binde sammen mappen så har jeg selvsagt brukt Bind-it all maskinen.
For my brothers birthdayparty (40 years) in November I made a few cd's with different bands. I made a copy for myself too to have in my car. I had to make a cd folder to keep the cd's in. I have used chipboard for the covers, and black and white cardstock for the inside and outside of the book. To decorate the cardstock I have used silver and black marble spray I have bought at Biltema a long time ago. In the corners have I have used black metal corners, and I have bought a scull to decorate the front of the book. Inside I have used black cardstock and cd envelopes I have bought at Clas Ohlson. To bind the book together I have off course used the Bind-it all machine.

For my brothers birthdayparty (40 years) in November I made a few cd's with different bands. I made a copy for myself too to have in my car. I had to make a cd folder to keep the cd's in. I have used chipboard for the covers, and black and white cardstock for the inside and outside of the book. To decorate the cardstock I have used silver and black marble spray I have bought at Biltema a long time ago. In the corners have I have used black metal corners, and I have bought a scull to decorate the front of the book. Inside I have used black cardstock and cd envelopes I have bought at Clas Ohlson. To bind the book together I have off course used the Bind-it all machine.
Bind-it all,
cd mappe/cd folder
onsdag 11. mai 2011
Fikk et oppdrag fra en av jentene på Minne-Hjørnet og lage noe med den kartongserien fra Co'ordinations. Jeg fikk med meg to forskjellige farver av arkene med urskiver på. Brukte den mørke på forsiden og den lyse på innsiden. For å få frem mønsteret i kartongen bedre så brukte jeg en pussekloss. Til permen har jeg brukt chipboard som man også kan få kjøpt på Minne-Hjørnet. Bind-it'n som er min trofaste følgesvenn ble selvsagt brukt til å binde sammen boken med. Inni har jeg brukt akvarellarkene fra Nille som jeg har kuttet til.
One of the ladies at my local scrapbook store wanted me to make something with the cardstock serie Co'ordinations. She gave me two sheets in different colours with the clock on. I used the dark brown on the outside, and the light brown one on the inside. For the cover I used chipboard. I have used the Bind-it all machine to bind the book together.

One of the ladies at my local scrapbook store wanted me to make something with the cardstock serie Co'ordinations. She gave me two sheets in different colours with the clock on. I used the dark brown on the outside, and the light brown one on the inside. For the cover I used chipboard. I have used the Bind-it all machine to bind the book together.
Bind-it all,
tirsdag 10. mai 2011
Bursdagskort til Anne/Birthday card for Anne
Min venninne Anne Margrethe har bursdag i dag, og jeg lagde et kort til henne som hun fikk i helga når hun var på besøk i Oslo. Et av de første kortene jeg har pyntet både innvendig og utvendig. Gratulerer med dagen Anne!
It's my friend Anne Margrethes birthday today, and I made a card for her that she got last weekend when she was in Oslo. This is one of the first cards I have decorated both inside and on the front. Happy Birthday Anne!

It's my friend Anne Margrethes birthday today, and I made a card for her that she got last weekend when she was in Oslo. This is one of the first cards I have decorated both inside and on the front. Happy Birthday Anne!
mandag 9. mai 2011
Lilla kort/Purple cards
I 2008 var jeg på Paper and Co Show (PACS) i Versailles og der var det noen franske scrappebutikker. En av de hadde noen tøffe ark som jeg falt for. Jeg kjøpte flere ark i forskjellige farver og mønster. De har ligget i papertakeren min lenge nå, men nå har jeg begynt å bruke av de.
In 2008 I was in Versaille for the Paper and Co Show (PACS) and there was a few french scrapbook stores there. One of them had a paper collection I fell for and I bought several sheets with different colours and patterns. They have been kept safe in my paper taker for a long time now, but now I have started to use them.

In 2008 I was in Versaille for the Paper and Co Show (PACS) and there was a few french scrapbook stores there. One of them had a paper collection I fell for and I bought several sheets with different colours and patterns. They have been kept safe in my paper taker for a long time now, but now I have started to use them.


søndag 8. mai 2011
Hvitveis/Anemone nemorosa
1. mai så var jeg på jobb en liten tur for å gjøre en jobb jeg alltid må gjøre hver første dag i måneden, og utenfor kontorbygninga vår så bugnet det med hvitveis. Hadde heldigvis med kamera for jeg skulle dra på litt sightseeing i området hvis været holdt seg. Dessverre så ble det overskyet mens jeg jobbet så det ble bare noen bilder fra den dagen, og her er 3 av dem.
1. May I had to go to work to do a job I always have to do on the first day of the month, and outside our office building it was a lot of Anemone nemorosa. I had my camera with me because the plan was to go sightseeing in the area if the weather was nice. Unfortunately it was clouded when I was finished at work so I only took a few pictures that day, and here is 3 of them.

1. May I had to go to work to do a job I always have to do on the first day of the month, and outside our office building it was a lot of Anemone nemorosa. I had my camera with me because the plan was to go sightseeing in the area if the weather was nice. Unfortunately it was clouded when I was finished at work so I only took a few pictures that day, and here is 3 of them.
Jeg kjøpte et treskrin på Søstrene Grene for lenge siden og grunnet den i sort. Fant noe lekkert papir hvor det sorte mønsteret er fløyel. Fant ut at jeg ville ikke dekorere den mere enn dette. Kan hende jeg ombestemmer meg senere, men nå får den være sånn en stund.
I bought a box at Søstrene Grene a while ago og have painted it black. I found a lovely paper where the black pattern is velvet. I decided that I didn't want to decorate it more than this, but maybe I change my mind later. But for the time beeing it's going to be like this.

Dette er en metallboks hvor det har vært drops i tidligere. Jeg har brukt Gesso på boksen, påført med en svamp.
This is a metal box where it has been candy in earlier. I have used Gesso on the box, applied it with a spunge.
I bought a box at Søstrene Grene a while ago og have painted it black. I found a lovely paper where the black pattern is velvet. I decided that I didn't want to decorate it more than this, but maybe I change my mind later. But for the time beeing it's going to be like this.
Dette er en metallboks hvor det har vært drops i tidligere. Jeg har brukt Gesso på boksen, påført med en svamp.
This is a metal box where it has been candy in earlier. I have used Gesso on the box, applied it with a spunge.
søndag 1. mai 2011
Et nytt kort/a new card
Et nytt kort - denne gangen konfirmasjon. Har brukt papir fra My Mind's Eye og Papirdesign.
A new card. I have used paper from My Mind's Eye and Papirdesign.

A new card. I have used paper from My Mind's Eye and Papirdesign.

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