Another Christmas present is finished, I hope that the person who get these will be happy. This is a new pattern I found in a book called Votteboken 2 from Thuve-Stua.
onsdag 9. mars 2011
Enda et par votter/Another pair of mittens
En julegave til er ferdig, håper den som får disse blir glad. Dette er et nytt mønster som jeg har funnet i Votteboken 2 fra Thuve-Stua.
Another Christmas present is finished, I hope that the person who get these will be happy. This is a new pattern I found in a book called Votteboken 2 from Thuve-Stua.
Another Christmas present is finished, I hope that the person who get these will be happy. This is a new pattern I found in a book called Votteboken 2 from Thuve-Stua.
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Åååååå, disse var fine..!!..
SvarSlettBlir nok en glad julegavemottaker som får de..