Litt forsinket, men trekningen er nå foretatt om hvem som vinner 3 kjøkkenkluter etter fritt farveønske. Det var kommentarer både her i bloggen og på profilen min på facebook og tilsammen 12 stykker ville være med. Den heldige vinneren ble min venninne Else på Island. Gratulerer Else!!!
mandag 30. juli 2012
lørdag 28. juli 2012
Rosa og hvitt/Pink and white
Om sommeren så er det best å strikke og hekle med bomullsgarn, og det resulterte i grytekluter og kjøkkenkluter som matcher.
In the summer I like to use cotton yarn, and the result is a pair of potholders and kitchen cloths that matches.
In the summer I like to use cotton yarn, and the result is a pair of potholders and kitchen cloths that matches.
søndag 22. juli 2012
Distress refiller/Distress refils
Her har jeg laget en bakgrunn med distress refiller - og dette skal jeg lage mer av. Stemplene er fra Tim Holtz.
I have made a background with distress refils - and I'm going to make more of these. The stamps are from Tim Holtz.
I have made a background with distress refils - and I'm going to make more of these. The stamps are from Tim Holtz.
lørdag 21. juli 2012
Noen nye kort/A few new cards
Været i sommer har vært litt vekslende og når det ikke er bra ute så får man sitte inne å være kreativ. Blir litt kort av det, men får vel være flink å sende noen også for å få litt sirkulasjon på de.
The weather this summer has not been the best and when it's rainy and cold outside it's nice to be indoors and be creative. Because of that I have made some more cards, but I'll have to be good and send some too so I can make even more
The weather this summer has not been the best and when it's rainy and cold outside it's nice to be indoors and be creative. Because of that I have made some more cards, but I'll have to be good and send some too so I can make even more
Dekorerte papirposer/Decorated paper bags
Papirposer har jeg mye av - og de er kjekke til å pakke inn gaver i, men da må man dekorere de litt så de blir litt finere enn en vanlig brun papirpose. Disse skal jeg bruke til å gi bort et par gaver i nå i sommerferien.
I have a lot of paper bags, and they are nice to wrap gifts in - but it's nicer to decorate them a little bit and not be a ordinary brown paper bag. These two I'm going to use to give away a couple of gifts during my summer vacation.
I have a lot of paper bags, and they are nice to wrap gifts in - but it's nicer to decorate them a little bit and not be a ordinary brown paper bag. These two I'm going to use to give away a couple of gifts during my summer vacation.
onsdag 18. juli 2012
Kort med prikker/Card with dots
Sitter ved stuebordet og er kreativ for tiden og bordet er fullt med rester og jeg lager mange kort nå med disse - greit å få brukt det opp før jeg kaster meg over nye ark. Motivet er fra Made by Janet og jeg syns det er så fint.
I'm sitting by the living room table when I'm creative these days and the table is full with left overs and I'm making lot's of cards with the left overs. I think it's best to use it before I start with a new sheet of paper. The picture is from Made by Janet and I like it very much.
I'm sitting by the living room table when I'm creative these days and the table is full with left overs and I'm making lot's of cards with the left overs. I think it's best to use it before I start with a new sheet of paper. The picture is from Made by Janet and I like it very much.
made by Janet
Blått kort/Blue card
Ble igjen litt rester etter at annet prosjekt og det ble til et kort.
I had some leftovers from another projects, and I made a card.
I had some leftovers from another projects, and I made a card.
søndag 15. juli 2012
Det nærmer seg sommerferie og jeg har lyst til å gi bort noen av de kjøkkenklutene jeg har strikket i det siste. På sommeren må jeg ha noe enkelt å strikke og Søstrene Grene har kommet ut med nye farver i bomullsgarn - og da ble litt litt produksjon av kjøkkenkluter igjen. Hvis noen har lyst til å vinne 3 av disse klutene så er det bare å kommentere på posten her - ingen andre kriterier. Jeg kommer også til å legge ut linken på facebook sånn at flere har mulighet til å vinne. Vinneren kan få velge farver selv hvis man vil - ellers plukker jeg 3 kluter i forskjellig farve.Trekning søndag 29. juli
My summer vacation is getting closer and I want to give away a few of the kitchen cloths I have made lately. In the summertime I need something simple to knit, and Søstrene Grene has got some new colours for their cotton yarn - and I made some new cloths. If someone want to win 3 of these cloths - leave a comment on this post, no other criteria. I'm also uploading this post on facebook so more people have a chance to win. The winner can pick the colours of the cloths, or I can pick three cloths in different colours. Deadline Sunday 29. July
My summer vacation is getting closer and I want to give away a few of the kitchen cloths I have made lately. In the summertime I need something simple to knit, and Søstrene Grene has got some new colours for their cotton yarn - and I made some new cloths. If someone want to win 3 of these cloths - leave a comment on this post, no other criteria. I'm also uploading this post on facebook so more people have a chance to win. The winner can pick the colours of the cloths, or I can pick three cloths in different colours. Deadline Sunday 29. July
kjøkkenkluter/Dish washer cloths,
fredag 13. juli 2012
Jeg prøver å være flink å resirkulere bokser og andre ting når de blir tomme. Denne boksen har inneholdt nøtter, etter vask og med litt ark og blomster så er det en boks man kan bruke til å pakke inn en liten gave.
I try to recycle boxes and other things when they are empty. This box has contained nuts, and after being cleaned and with some scrapbook paper and flowers - it's a box you can use to give away a small gift.
I try to recycle boxes and other things when they are empty. This box has contained nuts, and after being cleaned and with some scrapbook paper and flowers - it's a box you can use to give away a small gift.
mandag 9. juli 2012
Avlange kort/rectangular cards
Lager kort med avskjær etter scrapping i lettersize. Hadde visst en del clearbags i rektangel størrelse også så dette passer bra.
I'm making cards with cut offs from scrapping in lettersize. I also have a lot of clearbags that is rectangle and it's perfect for these cards.
I'm making cards with cut offs from scrapping in lettersize. I also have a lot of clearbags that is rectangle and it's perfect for these cards.
søndag 8. juli 2012
2 blå kort/2 blue cards
Et par blå kort med noen rester som jeg hadde liggende.
A couple of blue cards with some scraps I had lying around.
A couple of blue cards with some scraps I had lying around.
made by Janet
fredag 6. juli 2012
Metallica minialbum
Fantastiske venner fortjener spesielle bursdagsgaver. En av mine engelske venner overrasket meg før jul med å bestille billetter til oss til Metallicakonserten i Oslo i mai. En større overraskelse var at han hadde fikset plass i Snakepit'n sånn at jeg fikk sett bandet veldig godt under konserten. Jeg fikk tatt en god del bilder og jeg bare måtte lage et album som takk - og siden det er bursdagen hans i dag så ble det årets bursdagsgave fra meg. Gratulerer med dagen James!!
Amazing friends deserve special birthday gifts. One of my English friends surprised me before Christmas with ordering tickets for us to the Metallica concert in Oslo in May. A bigger surprise was that he fixed tickets to the Snakepit so I had a really good view of the band during the concert. I took a lot of pictures and I had to make a album as a thank you - and since it's his birthday today it also was this years birthday present from me. Happy Birthday James!!
Amazing friends deserve special birthday gifts. One of my English friends surprised me before Christmas with ordering tickets for us to the Metallica concert in Oslo in May. A bigger surprise was that he fixed tickets to the Snakepit so I had a really good view of the band during the concert. I took a lot of pictures and I had to make a album as a thank you - and since it's his birthday today it also was this years birthday present from me. Happy Birthday James!!
Bind-it all,
Metal tape,
onsdag 4. juli 2012
Et nytt kort/A new card
Fant frem noen rester og voila et kort. Jeg har noen pakker med clearbags som er rektangulære så nå må jeg lage noen kort som passer i de. Får prøve å være flink å sende litt kort i sommer også sånn at jeg ikke bare fyller opp boksene som jeg har her hjemme og på jobben. Kanskje noen av mine venner som leser bloggen min er heldige å finner noe i postkassen.
I found some scraps and voila a card. I have some clearbags that is rectangular and I have to make some cards in that size. I'll have to send a few cards this summer so I don't just fill up the boxes I have at home and at work. Maybe some of my friends who read this blog will find something in their mailbox this summer.
I found some scraps and voila a card. I have some clearbags that is rectangular and I have to make some cards in that size. I'll have to send a few cards this summer so I don't just fill up the boxes I have at home and at work. Maybe some of my friends who read this blog will find something in their mailbox this summer.
tirsdag 3. juli 2012
Sparebøsse/Piggy bank
Kjøpte et par sparebøsser på Søstrene Grene for lenge siden, og nå har jeg dekorert den ene for å gi bort i gave.
I bought a couple of piggy bank at Søstrene Grene a long time ago, and I have now decorated it so I can give it away as a gift.
I bought a couple of piggy bank at Søstrene Grene a long time ago, and I have now decorated it so I can give it away as a gift.
sparebøsse/money box
mandag 2. juli 2012
Jul i juli/Christmas in July
Selv om det er sommer så må det produseres julekort - og her er mine 4 for juli.
Even if it's summer I have to produce Christmas cards - and here is the 4 for July.
Even if it's summer I have to produce Christmas cards - and here is the 4 for July.
julekort/Christmas cards
søndag 1. juli 2012
Lyslykt/Candle light holder
Jeg fant frem et tomt syltetøyglass og alkoholblekk og startet å klæsje på forskjellige farver. Valgte farver fra Pinata og jeg brukte gul, rød, rosa, grønn og lilla.
I found a empty jar of jam and alcohol ink and started to add colours on the jar. I used colours from Pinata and I used yellow, red, pink, green and purple.
I found a empty jar of jam and alcohol ink and started to add colours on the jar. I used colours from Pinata and I used yellow, red, pink, green and purple.
alkoholblekk/alcohol ink,
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