Etter å ha strikket mange pulsvarmere så har jeg endt opp med masse rester av alpakkaull. Hadde lyst til å bruke dette til noe og så kom jeg plutselig på at jeg kunne jo strikke noe til Amandaprosjektet. Du kan lese mer om det her:
Vil gjerne hjelpe en liten for tidlig nyfødt baby til å holde varmen med et lite teppe. Skal få sendt det i posten til et av sykehusene i løpet av uka.
I have a lot of leftovers from knitting a lot of wrist warmers. I wanted to use it for something and I found out that I wanted to knit something for the Amanda projects. The hospitals in Norway who have a department for babies that is born too early want clothes and blankets that is made of wool. I want to help a baby to keep warm with a blanket. I'm going to send it to one of the hospitals during the next week.
søndag 29. januar 2012
mandag 23. januar 2012
Art mailer
Leter opp litt i fra skuffer og skap for å få frigjort litt plass til nyinnkjøp. Da dukket denne artmaileren opp og den er gammel og jeg har klart å rote bort glassene som skal være inni, og jeg har gjort en litt annen vri og brukt kartong inni sånn at jeg har et felt å skrive på.
I'm going trough my cabinets so I can get some more space for new things I have bought. This art mailer has been lying around for a loooong time. I have lost the glass that is going to be inside, but I made a new twist instead with cardstock so I have a place to write.
I'm going trough my cabinets so I can get some more space for new things I have bought. This art mailer has been lying around for a loooong time. I have lost the glass that is going to be inside, but I made a new twist instead with cardstock so I have a place to write.
art mailer
søndag 22. januar 2012
Konvoluttkort/Envelope card
Et av oppgavene til DT teamet denne måneden var å lage et brettekort, og jeg fant frem et dobbelsidig ark og fulgte denne tutorialen for å lage et konvoluttkort:
This month one of DT tasks was to make some sort of folding cards, and I found a double sided paper and followed this tutorial to make a envelope card:
This month one of DT tasks was to make some sort of folding cards, and I found a double sided paper and followed this tutorial to make a envelope card:
Adressebok/Address book
Jeg hadde lyst på en ny adressebok og jeg kjøpte en del permer via Zutter før jul når de hadde 50 % på alle permene. Bestilte bl.a et par i størrelsen 6" x 6" og en av de har nå blitt til min nye adressebok. Jeg har lagd adressearkene selv i Word og printet ut på fotokartong.
I wanted a new address book and I bought some of the covers from Zutter before Christmas when they had 50 % on all the covers. I bought a couple in 6" x 6" and one of them is now used for my new address book. I have made the pages myself in Word and printed on photo cardstock.
I wanted a new address book and I bought some of the covers from Zutter before Christmas when they had 50 % on all the covers. I bought a couple in 6" x 6" and one of them is now used for my new address book. I have made the pages myself in Word and printed on photo cardstock.
Bind-it all,
Metal tape
Årets første julekort/The first Christmas cards this year
Årets julekortproduksjon er i gang. Lager 4 kort hver måned sånn at jeg slipper å lage en haug til høsten. Bedre å fordele det utover året.
I have started to make this years Christmas cards. I make 4 cards a month so I don't have to make a lot of cards before Christmas. It's better to make to make cards all year round.
I have started to make this years Christmas cards. I make 4 cards a month so I don't have to make a lot of cards before Christmas. It's better to make to make cards all year round.
julekort/Christmas cards
onsdag 18. januar 2012
Ford album
En av mine gode kolleger og venn i England sluttet i firmaet i fjor høst. Det ble tatt en del bilder fra hans siste dag og jeg fikk tak i de og lagde et lite minialbum. Patrick fikk albumet i bursdagsgave fra meg rett før jul. Jeg printet ut Ford-logoen i 2 eksemplarer i kartong og klippet den ut. Limte de to utgavene sammen sånn at den ble litt tykkere og limte metalltape over. Siden farven i logoen er blå så valgte jeg blå akrylmaling denne gangen.
One of my good colleagues and friends in England left the company last fall. During his last day it was taken some photos and I goy a copy of them and made a mini album. I printed the Ford logo on cardstock and cut out 2 of them and glued them together so it was thicker and I glued metal tape over. Since the colour in the logo is blue I choosed blue acrylic paint this time.
One of my good colleagues and friends in England left the company last fall. During his last day it was taken some photos and I goy a copy of them and made a mini album. I printed the Ford logo on cardstock and cut out 2 of them and glued them together so it was thicker and I glued metal tape over. Since the colour in the logo is blue I choosed blue acrylic paint this time.
Bind-it all,
Metal tape,
fredag 13. januar 2012
Et nytt par grytekluter/A new pot holder
Disse gryteklutene var enkle å lage og morsomt med flere farvekombinasjoner sånn at man kan bytte de ut etter årstiden. Har også laget kjøkkenkluter som matcher.
These potholders is simple to maken and fun with different colour combinations so you can change during the year. I have also made some kitchen cloths that matches.
These potholders is simple to maken and fun with different colour combinations so you can change during the year. I have also made some kitchen cloths that matches.
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